30.04.2018 | Completion of the North Beach Pavilion

A long way

The past few months have been tough, that’s okay. Sometimes you make mistakes, I made my bed, I should lie in it. But last week we delivered the beach pavilion, a building that we were going to build for special reasons and where I have done and estimated quite a few things wrong. A voluminous novel could be written about this project, containing everything that makes a novel interesting. The complexity of life, how people interact with each other and especially how difficult it is to make a process run smoothly, provides more than enough material. In any case, my conclusion is that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and that I myself have also made the necessary mistakes and have invested a lot of time in it to correct it. So much that I went to bed with it, dreamed about it, and so woke up with it again.

I feel like I solved millions of details afterwards that I should have solved at the start. Our employees had to pull out all the stops to bring the project to a successful conclusion. The client and everyone around it has also been put to the test. Fortunately, I now know that everything always works out and it will work again. Pavilion Noord is open and it was already completely full on the first day.

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